The governments of The United States, Russia, and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Nations, as presently constituted, are in business together. They are the new mob family. Other made members of this mob family are; China, Iran, Turkey, South Africa, North Korea and Venezuela.
This family is far more dangerous and cruel than the Mafia. This is the Oligarchy. This family rules the world.
The Trump family is, and has been for years, in a business partnership with Russia and the Gulf Nations — primarily Saudi Arabia. The business model of this partnership, this Oligarchy, makes the acquisition of money the prime, and sole, directive. Murder, as it was with the Mafia, is just a function of “doing business.” The Saudi murder of Jamal Khashoggi — and Trump’s indifference to this crime — is a case in example.
The welfare of the people in the countries under their control, which is all of the industrialized world, is not even a small consideration. These people, i.e. us, we… are merely to be used. To provide monies through taxes, to purchase and consume their products, to be their soldiers. The mechanism by which this business entity holds and keeps power is voter rigging and voter suppression; in Russia, in America, and in Saudi Arabia. The world’s wealthy are the prime movers of this Oligarchy. Sadly, though the members of the armed forces of the world don’t know it, they are the Oligarchy’s hit men.
A terrible paradox of this is; in it’s success in influencing our elections Russia appears to be our enemy. However, this is merely one family of the mob helping the whole of the organization hold onto power and wealth. In this country the Republican party is facilitating this ongoing effort to increase the Oligarchy’s hold on power.
The Oligarchy is the new mob. The entities this mob fears the most are the free press and the vote. This is why they will do everything in their power to render the free press and the people’s vote meaningless.
You may believe that the Democratic and Republican parties are the same…equal offenders. They are not. Only The Republican Party seeks to suppress your vote!
Only one man, the Trump family underboss, blocked the current election security legislation.
Only the Republicans gave us Citizen’s United!
Vote Republicans out of office — or continue on this country, and the world’s path, towards mob rule.
© tony powers and Barking in the Dark, 2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to tony powers and Barking in the Dark with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.