I have found it impossible to write anything in the last few weeks. Mere words would only diminish the enormity of what we are now witnessing world-wide. From the slaughter in Ukraine, to the global rise of Authoritarianism (fewer than a fifth of the world’s population now live in fully free countries), to the rise of a sociopathic monster and his cretinous followers here, to the overarching ecological and environmental disaster now dooming us all, humanity — and mainly the greed and cosmic stupidity of the male of this species — has finally screwed the pooch.

I am now 84 years of age. In my youth I marched. Was arrested protesting what I knew was the logical road to this terrible present. I am now finally exhausted by the daily insult to my intelligence, to my physical comfort, to everything that, in the bloom and strength of youth, I thought we could be — believed we could attain if we only just kept striving, and kept the faith.
I now also know that it is beyond humanity’s reach to override the will to destruction. This realization also comes with the comfort that we are even less than an infinitesimal fraction of the universe, and when our species’ insane suicide mission is complete the damage we have done to ourselves and the planet will be brushed off like lint on the planet’s shoulder. Take further comfort in the fact that no matter is ever lost in the universe, and the atoms that make up humanity will disperse and eventually make up part of a far more positive galactic life form.
I guess I do have hope.
© tony powers and Barking in the Dark, 2022. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to tony powers and Barking in the Dark with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.