3 min readJan 11, 2021
My good lady wife and I are outraged at the way the phony leftie media is reporting Wensdays storrming of congress. All these insane thugs were not Trump loyalists they were lawless Antifa lefties. How can you all be so dum as to think that our grate Trump poeple would do such a thing.
The lefty press has really done a job on the poeple of this country and these Antifa poeple better loyer up soon because they will be prosecutted. look at them all wearing dressed up like us and wearing Maga hats like us as if they are us. They are not us. We are us.
This crowd above is all Antifas. Only really dum poeple would think they could get away with such stupidness. They should all be throne in jail and the key should be melted down. We Trump suporters are much to smart too do such a dum thing as what these Antifas did. Do you really think we are so dum as too do such a thing?
Many poeple have swore to me that this women above is a Antifa spy. So I am shure she is. It is a verry clever disgise she has on and my wife agrees to.
I have it on good arthority from all my nieghbors on my street and all the grate reporters on the Fox that these poeple above are all Antifa in beds who are trying to give our loyal Trump base a bad name. We are not so angry as to be vilent. These are Antifa traters.
Donald Trump is a American hero who should be in the hall of fame wherever that is. Or in a museem with his name on it over the doorway. We will fight on and it will be us for real and not these Antifa impersanaters who just put on a Maga hat and do dum things so we’ll be blammed for it.
All these there Antifas need to be in jail with the key throwed away. Perriod.
See you all at the inawgerashu — hey babe your good with this stuff…how do i arase this last thing? Oh fuck it. Trump forevver.
Sinserely, Jimmy Jo Billy Bob Jukes, (American Pattriot) Snyder’s Clump, Mississippi
P.S. What you lousy leftie Soshalist sare doing is going to force the hole wonderful Trump fammily to go to live in Russia.
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