Tony Powers
3 min readFeb 12, 2019


The Trump Base at home

I was washin’ ironin’ an’ starching my hubbies under wares the other day last week while he was out teachin’ the grandkids to shoot squirrels because he says the starchy stiffness of his shorts reminds him of when he was a teen-ager — I dont know why — and I heared on the TV that they was giving awards out to grannies an’ so we definatly wanted to see that for sure.

So we tuned into this here Granny Awards show on the TV an’ I just want to say that I do not know why they think these people, an’ I use this word loosy, are grannies when they are a lot of G-dless gays in make-up and whatnot pransing around screaming at the top of there lungs.

K-Pop Kids

This is tipical gay proper gander to list this as a granny award show to get people to tune it in an’ be turned gay. We watched a hole half hour an’ if these people are grannies then I am not. Thats all I just wanted to say about it except then there is this lady person who they showed an’ they said they was gaga about her but alls I saw was someone havin’ a seezure. An’ is she some kind of Inglish lady person? Also someone menchined some German named Bruno whos from Mars?? Now me an’ hubby didn’t fall offa the back of a turnip wagon yesterday an’ if there was Germans on Mars its cuz we beat them in the war right? Oh, there wuz a youth gang of yellows who all drink a soda called K-Pop i never herd of — and theys named after a BLT???

Anyway this was sure not about any grannys I know an’ I am sore that we wasted a hole hour trying to figger out what the heck they was all sayin’ an’ why they were all up there jumping an’ screaming like they was. Hubbie said maybe it was some sort of singin’. We liked the Christian song song part thuogh but I think a lot of them sing just to get on the TV. But that’s the only part we liked anyways. We changed the channel to watch Cops.

Walking while black.

Plus P.S. this there is why we all must got to vote again for Mr. Trump bless him to teech them heathen east coast and west coast TV eleets in there pen houses a good oncet and for all lessun.

Elva Mae Moon

Chesnee, S. Carolina

© tony powers and Barking in the Dark, 2012. revised 2016, 2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to tony powers and Barking in the Dark with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.



Tony Powers
Tony Powers

Written by Tony Powers

is Barking in the Dark. He enjoys walking on the beach at sunset and glue. His full bio may be seen by clicking on

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