Democrats, do you actually think you are going to make your case by using words like exculpatory? And quid Pro Quo? And whatever other Latin words and phrases you continue to run by the likes of Mr. Jimmy John Bobby Joe Junior Blount Sr. of Crapville, Mississippi? And his missus; the lovely Jenni Jo Jean Blount? Nee Jukes.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy John Bobby Joe Junior Blount Sr.
The very same Blount Sr., who is the Grand High Exalted Beaver of Beaver Lodge 152 of greater Crapville, and who graduated from David Dukes High School at the bottom third of the class of ’09? That Junior Blount Sr.? A man in need of a running head start to spell inbred? And his lovely missus Jenni Jo? Miss Buttlick County Creamy Corn Grits of 2006? That Jenni Jo Jean Blount? Why, these people have grown up speaking Latin at home. Right?
Why, the Blount family crest is emblazoned with the words “Cogito, ergo sum. (Those crazy Blounts.)
Now, I confess that some may say that I may be guilty of “Condemnant quo non intellegunt.” However, be that as it may, to those who would say that may I say; “Aquila non capit muscas” and “Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.” Remember, when dealing with a certain voting “base” in this country one must always bear in mind; “In absentia lucis, Tenebrae vincunt.” And, if one understands that then one knows; “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.”
And, if you think I’m being mean to these fine folk remember; “Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.”
No one deserves it more.
Nor do we care about being fair to you. And in the matter of his impeachment; The House must keep holding hearings until witnesses to all of Trump’s staggering amount of crimes against this country and our Constitution are called…and all these crimes are covered. Trump and his grubby little gang are guilty of neue impediant aequitatis and violationes ejus debet esse perspecta.
And then NOT send it to the Senate.
The House should subpoena witnesses to his “potential violations of laws regulating campaign contributions and their disclosure, making false records and statements, and a conspiracy to defraud (or to violate the laws of) the United States.” And to this criminal’s abuse of the emoluments clause of the constitution.
Oportet quod non auferetur suis criminibus.
© tony powers and Barking in the Dark, 2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to tony powers and Barking in the Dark with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.