Tony Powers
3 min readJun 7, 2020


From Roman mythology: Mefitis (or Mephitis; Mefite in Italian) the Minor Goddess of the poisonous gases emitted from the ground in swamps and volcanic vapors.

The poisonous miasma coming off of Donald Trump, which has festered inside him for his entire existence, is now threatening to suffocate every one of us just as it has suffocated most of our Democratic institutions. There is nothing else inside this person save a rot which radiates a foulness that causes one to gag. There can be little doubt that we can now all smell this stink. We, here in New York, have been gagging on it for years. And now the rest of the country, and the world, is gagging along with us. This stench goes wherever this person goes, and is then left behind to suffocate all unfortunate enough to come into its presence. His is a reek that kills. No bath, no shower, no high-pressure hose, no room freshener, can eradicate or cover the fetid odor of this person.

To be someone, anyone, who can still deny these poisonous vapors emanating from this person has to be a someone with an uncommon case of — as Elaine Benes put it — “hard of smelling.” Either that, or just someone who is blithely unconcerned with the sulfur this person is now trailing through the air wherever he goes. The Trump reek has now pervaded our most trusted institutions; The once “just” Justice Department, our Environmental Protection Agency, the quaint idea of obeying the Emoluments Clause, The Federal Emergency Management Agency, The Department of the Interior, The Bureau of Land Management, our Judiciary, our military, our Police Departments, etc. etc. etc. And yes, practically the entire Republican Party.

Donald J. Trump’s rotten stench has settled into the entire U.S. government.

And it is now left for us, and only us, the decent people of these United States of America, to disinfect our country completely. We must, all of us who can, either vote by mail, or we must turn out in vast multitudes, virus or no virus and vote Trump out — along with every single Republican who carries his water. And we must vote in vast multitudes in order to endeavor to overcome the twin obscenities of The (Republican-led) Supreme Court, and The Electoral College — an entity whose expiration date is past due.

This nation must be thoroughly scrubbed of the putrid smell of Donald J. Trump. Of the entire Trump family. And of all in Congress who support this putrescence. As well as all of his supporters in our State Houses, and our city and town administrations. Everywhere, and anywhere, where there is someone in government that supports this stinking mephitis…they must be voted out of office.


VOTE! This could be our last chance.

© tony powers and Barking in the Dark, 2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to tony powers and Barking in the Dark with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.



Tony Powers

is Barking in the Dark. He enjoys walking on the beach at sunset and glue. His full bio may be seen by clicking on