Why on earth does anyone care that a weakling like Donald Trump calls them a name? Any — any — insult that comes from such an insult to humanity as this thing is should be proudly worn as a badge of honor. I can only hope to be on the receiving end of an insult from this bag of garbage. His mob name should be Fat Donny Tell.
When the history of the single Trump term is finally written (one only hopes that this accounting will be truthful) there will be two distinct kinds of people in the book. Those who had insults hurled at them and those who didn’t. I will leave it to you to decide which of those two groups will be looked on kindly by history. When this big a piece of shit insults you the insult must be judged purely by what it comes from. In this case, the insult comes from a calculating dullard, and is always oafish. Always a projection of the thing itself…reeking of the fetid flop sweat of fear that fairly drips from this empty skin balloon. And, it is always a tip-off to the insecurity of the source. Always a tell.
This petulant slob who fancies himself a “deal maker” would be mark number one at a poker table. He is a lumbering epitome of a giveaway. Did you see his face when Putin walked in the room? Do you see what he looks like when he squeals “no collusion?” Do you see the since-I-know-you-can’t-tell-how-great-I-am–I’ll tell-you desperation oozing from him when he tells us all how many “words” he has? How “terrific” he is? “Look, I hate to do it, (sure he does) but I will do it. I would give myself an A-Plus. Is that enough? Can I go higher than that?” Holy hairspray Batman, you can smell this clown’s desperation through the TV.
Let me leave you all with this observation (one I would hope you notice from now on): he has, on far too many occasions to count, reminded me of a cross between Ralph Kramden and George Costanza.
And, on many other occasions, Rupert Pupkin.
Though supremely un-funny Fat Donny Tell is to be laughed at.
© tony powers and Barking in the Dark, 2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to tony powers and Barking in the Dark with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.